I am a second-year computer science PhD student at Vislang Lab in Rice University, advised by Prof. Vicente Ordóñez. Prior to this, I obtained a BSc degree (First Class Honours) from City University of Hong Kong, where I had the privilege of working with Prof. Rynson W.H. Lau and Prof. Antoni B. Chan.
My primary research interests lie in computer vision, with a focus on efficient algorithms under less or multimodal supervision. I am particularly interested in leveraging knowledge from neuroscience and cognitive psychology to develop concise, efficient, and interpretable algorithms achieving human-level intelligence in versatile tasks.
As a PhD student, I am always excited to collaborate with other researchers and explore new fields. Do not hesitate to reach out if you are interested!
- [08/2024-03/2025] I will serve as a reviewer for T-PAMI, IJCV, ICLR 2025, CVPR 2025, ICML 2025, ICCV 2025, and NeurIPS 2025.
- [11/2024] I have been awarded the Ken Kennedy Institute 2024/25 Ken Kennedy-HPE Cray Graduate Fellowship.
- [11/2024] I have been recognized as a top reviewer at NeurIPS 2024.
- [02/2024] Our paper “Improved Visual Grounding through Self-Consistent Explanations” is accepted to CVPR 2024.
- [08/2023-05/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for ICLR 2024, CVPR 2024, ICML 2024, ECCV 2024, and NeurIPS 2024.
- [08/2023] I started my PhD study at VisLang Lab, Rice University.
- [08/2023] I won the first runner-up prize in the IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter Final Year Project Competition 2022-2023.
- [06/2023] I graduated from City University of Hong Kong with First Class Honours.
- [04/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2023.
- 2023 - Present, PhD in Computer Science, Rice University.
- 2019 - 2023, BSc in Computer Science (First Class Honours), City University of Hong Kong.

Learning from Synthetic Data for Visual Grounding [Paper] [Project Page]
Ruozhen He, Ziyan Yang, Paola Cascante-Bonilla, Alexander C. Berg, Vicente Ordóñez
December, 2024.

Fairness and Bias Mitigation in Computer Vision: A Survey [Paper]
Sepehr Dehdashtian*, Ruozhen He*, Yi Li, Guha Balakrishnan, Nuno Vasconcelos,
Vicente Ordonez, Vishnu Naresh Boddeti (*Joint First Authors)
August, 2024.

Improved Visual Grounding through Self-Consistent Explanations [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]
Ruozhen He, Paola Cascante-Bonilla, Ziyan Yang, Alexander C. Berg, Vicente Ordóñez
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR 2024.

- CVPR 2024/2025, Reviewer
- ICCV 2025, Reviewer
- ECCV 2024, Reviewer
- NeurIPS 2023/2024/2025, Reviewer
- ICLR 2024/2025, Reviewer
- ICML 2024/2025, Reviewer
- T-PAMI, Reviewer
- IJCV, Reviewer